DCS Services
We have listed the primary services and descriptions of services that DCS can offer you on your next project! Our wide range of products and services will benefit both individuals and corporations. Our staff and employees are committed to providing the highest level of support in every state we service. Intelligent technology for home and corporate advancement is our goal.
- Digital TV Services
Sales, instant installs, audits, routes, non-pay collections, and service.
- Consultants
Our consulting services can help you make the best choice in the
products and equipment for your project. There are many variables to consider when integrating technology into your home or office
environment. We are there to work with you on the audio, video,
networks, equipment programming, specialty lighting, acoustic wall and ceiling treatments, and even the construction services.
- Residential Services & SMART Home Automation
DCS provides single source approach to meeting customer needs by providing systems engineers and installers. Our combination of
products and services allow us to offer the highest quality in systems integration in home electronic products technologies. These systems include, commercial presentation systems, video conferencing, audio and video distribution systems, home theater, security, security camera surveillance, card access, voice and data networks, AMX wired and or wireless whole home or commercial remote control systems, environmental and lighting control, and extended Services.
- Commercial Services
Video conferencing, presentation systems, audio, video and CATV distribution, environmental and system control, remote access management and alerts, video, audio, networks, phone, camera and
security systems and service.
- Construction Services
Twenty years of construction experience as a Licensed Builder. Design and integrate technology into almost any space. ACAD 2D and 3D Design.